The administrative ban, however, did not keep her out of an October primary, because the opposition Unitary Platform coalition, which is backed by the United States, organized the vote without assistance from Venezuela’s electoral authorities.Em 4 de agosto do 2018, Nicolás Maduro sobrevive a uma suposta e tentativa por assassinato depois do vá… Read More

It also didn't prevent Musk from garnering a radical new compensation package as CEO, in which he would be paid after reaching milestones of growing valuation based on $50 billion increments.Television screens up and down the country only showed jubilant crowds, draped in the Venezuelan flag, dancing and cheering on the president.The coastal mounta… Read More

He bolstered his portfolio with the purchase of SolarCity in 2016 and cemented his standing as a leader of industry by taking on an advisory role in the early days of President Donald Trump's administration.In the 20th century Venezuela was transformed from a relatively poor agrarian society to a rapidly urbanizing one, a condition made possible by… Read More

The administrative ban, however, did not keep her out of an October primary, because the opposition Unitary Platform coalition, which is backed by the United States, organized the vote without assistance from Venezuela’s electoral authorities.Candidates must register by late March, giving Machado and other opposition factions less than three week… Read More

Segundo a ministra, ESTES atos colocaram em risco a normalidade e legitimidade do processo eleitoral e a própria democracia.Since Brazil began using electronic voting machines in 1996, there has been no evidence that they have been used for fraud. Instead, the machines helped eliminate the fraud that once afflicted Brazil’s elections in the age … Read More